It’s Not a Mistake – Part Four

As I have discussed in the last three posts, the elites are leaning on all sides of the triangle of death. They are also attacking the bonds that hold us together as a society as this will both keep us fighting each other instead of the parasites in charge and it will deepen the collapse to come.

Let’s look at the stuff they have been pulling in our society for years and how it ties into this massive crime against us all. When Donald Trump won in 2016 all of this garbage accelerated, but do not kid yourself into thinking that it is new – it has always been there. Regardless of what party is in charge you get ridiculous spending on the military-industrial complex, pointless forever wars and government integrating more and more with woke mega-corporations. The fact that we have so many people around the Western world who really believe that things will be different if “their guy” gets in just shows how brilliant this is.

Granted, there are a few leaders here and there, such as Trump, Ron DeSantis, Viktor Orban and Jair Bolsonaro who may be legitimate populists but for the most part anyone you have heard of is a globalist stooge. Even if a legitimate candidate comes along who is legitimately “for the people” they will get sabotaged by the media, the bureaucracy and in most cases their own political party and fellow elected officials so that nothing changes. The swamp is deep. The only way for a leader to emerge who is not owned is either if a candidate is so wealthy they cannot be bought (and that assumes they weren’t “set up” in their business to begin with) or if they are running some kind of subterfuge where they pretend to be globalists and then act to put their people first (such is the supposed reason for the assassination of JFK/RFK/JFK Jr). This has been the case at least since the birth of the Federal Reserve in the USA (and probably since before Confederation here in Canada).

The reality is that pretty much everywhere you have a uniparty. There is intense debate allowed around a narrow range of topics, the so-called “Overton window.” This produces an outlet for frustration and hope while also creating division among the people. When we fight left vs right we are not fighting the fight that really matters which is the people against the elites. As society becomes more unjust due to abusive elites the anger grows and is placed in the approved topics with division increasing and naturally leading to more injustice and thus more anger. We spiral down as no one addresses the real issues and abuses but instead attack strawmen.

The honest folks of the right have been the useful idiots of the establishment since World War Two, volunteering to fight in the forever wars used to enrich the elites and lower population growth. The right wave the flag and back the blue, pay their bills on time and are good cogs in the system. The realization that being patriotic, pro-police and pro-military made me a total fool was really hard to come to terms with. The fact is that as long as our countries and their militaries and police forces are controlled by globalist, anti-human scum then they are the enemy. If you are an American citizen you have no bigger enemy than your federal government in DC. For Canadians, Ottawa is your mortal foe. The agents of the state are your oppressors. If you can’t come to grips with that cold hard reality you will never be able to change it.

Since 2016 the balance has shifted. It started with Nigel Farage and the Brexit revolution and exploded with MAGA. The neo-cons lost their grip with Farage and Trump who revived populism and the idea of putting your own people first. In other Western countries new parties have emerged to challenge the globalist warmongering. Every country now has a group of patriots who oppose free trade, the big globalist institutions and the forever wars. Whether or not Trump and Farage are genuine or controlled opposition, the fuse they lit has exploded into something very dangerous for the elites.

The people who most strongly distrust government, the UN, the WEF, the WHO and the fake news are those on the right. Those most likely to be unvaccinated and least likely to be boosted or to wear masks are on the right. Those awake to the COVID scam who are incensed at the crimes against humanity and are fighting for justice are overwhelmingly on the right. This is where the challenge to the globalists is. These are the people who broke out of the Overton window and who will throw down the gauntlet and say what isn’t allowed.

As such we are “terrorists.” We are banned from social media. When we peacefully protest the police violently break it up and jail the demonstrators. They freeze our bank accounts. We are the danger to democracy that needs to be shutdown according to the elites.

Beyond this you get all the woke garbage. The woke stuff is so patently stupid by design. You see, when they force you to at the very least not speak out against these moronic untruths, they damage your willpower and your very soul. When you put pronouns in your bio even though you know it’s a lie, they break you. When you go to a diversity training that tells you that you are a racist and can never be anything else no matter how hard you try, they own you. If you dare to stand up and say what many people think, you will be fired and canceled from society. Lose your job and social status or lose your self respect. Either way, they control your circumstances.

It’s no coincidence that the people against this woke garbage tend to be the same ones against the COVID scam and globalism. The powers that be know that those who oppose them will oppose this junk, so they can either break you or take you out to roaring applause as they stand up for “diversity” and “equality.” The elites really do think we are all equal all right – equally useless. They don’t believe the woke nonsense themselves but merely use it as a tool to beat us into submission, just like the vaccines and climate change. It is merely another scam.

Then there are the insane double standards when it comes to policing. If a protest in favour of a woke cause turns into a riot, the police are pretty much forced to stand down and allow the protestors to run wild. They are expressing their “righteous grievances” after all. I’m sure most of you remember this:

Or how about how this piece of garbage responded to Black Lives Matter:

As compared to the Freedom Convoy protesting the unscientific vaccine mandates of his government:

Then there was the absolute load of bull that massive protests over George Floyd were the only justifiable reason to break lockdown as “white supremacy” is a greater threat than COVID-19 (which is actually kind of true because pretty much everything is more threatening than a fake pandemic):

If your cause of choice is simply opening your restaurant during lockdown so you can make money and feed your family, you can expect this kind of response:

What did they send, like half the force?

In some super woke jurisdictions they are effectively decriminalizing crime. In San Francisco businesses are closing permanently as the law there does not explicitly permit theft under $950 but ensures that no police or prosecutors will waste their time on it. As such, petty theft has skyrocketed. Imagine my shock! Oregon decriminalized hard drugs and wouldn’t you know it, Portland is now an open air drug market where addicts buy drugs and shoot up wherever they feel like.

At the same time actual crime is permitted to occur and cities are overrun by thieves and drugged out crazies, if you post something critical of the government on Facebook or Twitter you just might get a visit from the police. I guess this is why they can’t police unimportant things like homeless meth addict encampments in the kid’s playground down the road – it would take away from their important work of making sure you don’t question the efficacy of the precious vaccines on social media. It probably won’t surprise you to hear that the globalist mouthpieces at the WEF want to use AI combined with “subject matter experts” to shut down online discussion that they don’t like.

I want you to think about all of this for a second. Laws are no longer being enforced in a fair way and so-called “justice” departments are wicked and unjust. People are forced to go along with and “celebrate” total nonsense that goes way beyond any legitimate concerns one may have about racism or equal opportunity. The attacks are being directed solely at those who are conservative/patriotic and who tend to be the majority of the bedrock of society: police, fire, military, factory workers, tradesmen, farmers, truckers, etc. The people who actually produce and whom society depends upon are no longer unsung heroes but now villains, while the privileged Zoom class are encouraged more and more to hate on them. We hate on each other instead of realizing our true strength and uniting against our real enemy.

This woke garbage ensures we remain divided, distracted and weak. When the collapse comes as the triangle of death bites, our fractured society will crumble that much more. Remember that the end goal is total chaos – the complete collapse of our way of life so that it can be replaced with the preferred solution the elites already have in hand. Remember, the globalists truly believe in the motto of the 33rd degree: ordo ab chao – “order from chaos.” As you have probably noticed, the woke project is excellent at fostering division, weakening the economy and rotting the culture – the very seeds of deep and sustained chaos.

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